

  • refrain from -을 삼가다
  • quarrel with -와 다투다
  • resort to -에 의지하다 
  • vindicate - 씻다, 소명하다


A bus driver asked an old man to refrain from eating food on the bus, and the man seemed to be very offended by the request. He started shouting at the driver in a somewhat abrasive manner, a few moments later he was having a quarrel with everyone on the bus. The situation was getting serious, I had to resort to violence to stop him. For this reason, I'm at police station right now, but I'm sure what I had to do will be vindicated.


4가지 표현들은 꼭 추가로 기억해 두어야 할 것이 있다. refrain 은 자동사고 수동태로 쓰이지 않는다. 다소 격식있는 표현처럼 들리며, 비행기에서 이륙시 화장실 사용을 자제해달라 할때 "Please refrain from using the toilets during landin" 표지판에 "Please refrain from smoking in this area" 이렇게 많이 쓰인다. "People refrained from talking to each other in the auditorium" 과 같이 수동태로 쓰이지 않는다는 점 알아두어야한다.

querrel 은 화난 상태로 argue 하는 것 이외에도 disagree, 정치적으로 외교적으로 disagree 를 한다던가 할 때 쓸 수 있다. 위의 문장에서처럼 have 를 사용하여 명사로 써도 된다,

resort to 는 다른 옵션이 없어서 마지못해 거기에 의지할 수 밖에 없었던 경우에 사용된다. 폭력에 의지할 수 밖에 없었다 - 다른 대안은 없었다는 의미를 내포한다. 

vindicate 는 잘못된 것 처럼 오명을 썼을때 그 오명을 씻는다는 의미를 가진다. 다수에게 아니라고 이야기 들었지만 증거나 조사로 합당하다고 입증된다는 것을 내포하는 경우가 많다. 


out of hand

= out of control, 감당할 수 없다

ex) Things got a little out of hand at the party and three windows were broken.
ex) He went to see his doctor because he felt his drinking was getting out of hand.
ex) The kids were getting out of hand.
ex) The situation got out of hand

Out of season

= 적기가 아닌

ex) I don't like to use food that is out of season. 
ex) The restaurant only uses local produce, so their menu changes if something is out of season.
ex) Bananas are never out of season.

Out of place

= 불편한, not comfortable in or not suitable for a situation, 있지 말아야 할 자리에 있는 것 처럼 불편한

ex) The picture looks out of place here.
ex) I felt out of place in my huge new school.
ex) I felt a little out of place, most of the guests were sports fans.
ex) I was the only asian and I felt a little out of place.

Out of order

= 고장난, 작동이 안 되는, 행동이나 말이 out of order 면 불쾌하거나 다른 사람을 기분상하게 하는 것

ex) His behaviour in the meeting was out of order.
ex) The elevator is out of order.
ex) The banding machine is completely out of order. 
ex) What you said is a little out of order. 

Out of one's mind

= unable to behave or deal with things normally because something has made you very worried, unhappy, or angry

ex) She was out of her mind with grief
ex) I'd go out of my mind if I had to do her job all day
ex) I totally went out of my mind at the time.
ex) He was out of his mind after he heard the news.


out of order 랑 out of place 랑 비슷 한 것 같은데 out of order 는 unacceptable 한 느낌이 강하고,  out of place 는 있지 말아야 하는 자리에 있는 거 같아서 어색하고 불편한 느낌


비슷한 표현들을 한번에 알아보자!


- 우연히 마주치다. (by chance) 예상하지 못한 것

ex) When did you encounter these difficulties?
ex) We encounter stresses of one kind or another.
ex) She didn't remember our first encounter last year.

run into 

- meet by chance (놀람을 표함하고있음) -> 아는 사람을 만나거나 예상치 못한 어려움을 마주칠때. (대화나 인사정도 했다는 것을 암시하기도.) 
- bump into 와 매우 비슷 하지만 run into 는 사람 말고 문제를 맞딱드렸다고 할 때도 쓸 수 있다. 

ex) I ran into some trouble trying to do this homework.
ex) She might've ran into some problems at work.

bump into

- run into 와 매우 비슷. Interchangeable 하게 사용해도 무방하다. 물리적으로 부딪혔다고 할 때 사용할 수도 있다. 
- to meen someone you know when you have not planned to meet them.

ex) Whenever I go to the mall I always bump into him.
ex) He would bump into too many people who knew him
ex) I bumped into him at the party and he spilled his drink on me.

run across

- come across 와 매우 비슷 -> 주로 사물을 마주쳤다고 할 때나 모르는 사람(이름만 아는) 사람을 마주치는 것. 대화가 없었을 가능성 높음 (one way, discover)

ex) I ran across some interesting news.
ex) I ran across my high school yearbook while I was cleaning my room.
ex) You could run across more information.

come across 

- run across 와 매우 비슷. 문학적인 표현이다. 사람에 쓰지 않는다. 

ex) I came across a new nice restaurant today. 
ex) I came across the earings that I thought I had lost.
ex) I came across many tourists at the park.


consist 라는 동사는 전치사들과 같이 쓰인다. 근데 of 와도 결합하고 in 이랑도 결합하고 with 이랑도 결합하는데... 그 차이를 잘 모르는 나같은 사람들을 위해 한 페이지에 싹 정리를 해보려고 한다!

1. consist of

to be made of or formed from something -으로 만들어진
아래 예문을 살펴보면 be 동사를 사용하지 않는 것을 알 수 있다. 단어 자체에 수동이 포함되어있다. 

ex) The team consists of four Europeans and two Americans.
ex) It's simple dish to prepare, consisting mainly of rice and vegetables.
ex) Many jazz trios consist of a piano, guitar and double bass.
ex)America consists of many states.


2. consist in something

to have something as a main and necessaty part or quality -에 중요한, 존재하는
A consist in B 하면, A 는 B에 존재한다는 뜻이다.

ex) The beauty of air travel consists in its speed and ease.
ex) Happiness consists in contentment.
ex) Money consists in good quality of life.


3. consist with

to be consistent. "일관되다" 라는 단어의 의미를 그대로 가져와서 with 과 쓰면 -와 일치하는 의 의미로 사용할 수 있다. 

ex) It consists with the fact.
ex) The information consists with his account.
ex) What he has done consists with what he said.


오늘도 뉴욕타임즈 러너 아티클로 공부하는 영어시간

오늘의 기사 https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/15/learning/how-competitive-are-you.html


How Competitive Are You?

What are the merits of trying to be the best?



This page quotes parts of Jessia Grose's essay. She shows her concerns about her kids saying "Everything is a competition." She wants her kids to achieve what they want, but worries if they would go too far with the idea of competition and defeating others. 

주목할만한 문장

- Do you enjoy competing against others for things like grades?
- Comparison is the thief of joy.
- ...makes me want to take a step back.
- A way to push back on that is to reframe losses as having value, because they can teach us where to direct our emergy toward improvement.
- I suspect that will be a forever project.


- worthwile: useful, important to be a suitanle reward for the money or time spent or the effort made.
 ex) Does competition make things feel more exciting and worthwhile do you?

- ensure: to make something certain to happen
 ex) The airline is taking steps to ensure safety on its aircraft.

- jostle: to knock or push roughly against someone in order to move past them, get for space
 ex) racing down a path, jostling each other out of the way

- admonition: a piece of advice that is also a warning ro someone about their behaviour.
 ex) the principal's admonition against bullying

- stymie [스타이미]: to prevent something from happening or someone from achieving a purpose
 ex) These goals were frequently stymied by the same strong historical consciousness ../ ...will stymie good intentions.

- rack up: to gradually get more points, profits, etc
 ex) He has racked up 450 points in three months.




How Punctual Are You?

Are you always on time, or are you known for arriving late? How has the pandemic changed your relationship with time?



The article says the punctuality has become one of the paramount elements in our lives; as we go throguh pandemic, online gatherings which don't require traveling times now have settled down as a norm. There are pretinent changes as well. When it comes to restaurants, people book for meals more than before and dinner time got a little moved up because people don't need to commute and get changed stopping by home.


주목할 만 한 문장

1. Are you always on time, or are you known for arriving late? How has the pandemic changed your relationship with time?

2. How do you feel about people who are more or less punctual than you are?

3. ...a change that seems to have arisen from a pandemic now in its third year.


새로 배운 단어

1. hold up - to delay someone or something
(...no longer held up by commytes or workplace gossip sessions.)

2. weave A into B - to include A in B(story, plan etc)
(...people are able to weave school pick-ups and other child care duties into their workdays)

3. paramount - more important than anything else
(Punctuality is paramount as we are going through a re-evaluation of our relationship to time.)

4. virtue - a good moral quality in a person, or the general quality of being morally good.
(the virtues of punctuality)

5. Amid - among; in the middle of or surrounded by
(amid the applause)

6. surge - a sudden and great increase
(We see a real surge in online reservation activity,)


- insurmountable 극복할 수 없는, 대저할 수 없는, 해결할 수 없는
- utterance 발언, 입 밖에 냄, 표현함
- fatalist  운명론자
- retention 유지, 기억, 정체

My sister is such a fatalist, and whenever I have hard times, the way she comforts me is a little uncomfortable. No matter what she says, I don't think I have no control over my own life. That probably helps in some ways for easier life, but look at her, if something seems insurmountable, she gives up right away and she believes it is what it is even before she really tries it. And such utterances make her belief and retention more solid.

여기서 주의해야할 점은 fatalist 는 파탈- 이 아니라 페이탈리스트라고 발음한다는 것이다. 정말 사용할 일이 많이 없을 것 같은 단어들인데 아무튼 이 4개 단어를 조합하여 짧은 글을 써 보았다. 근데  retention을 올바르게 사용한 것인지는 잘 모르겠다. retention은 유지, 정체의 의미로 사용되는 단어인데, 긍정적으로 사용되기도 하고 부정적인 상황에서도 많이 쓰이는 듯 하다. The retention of the government .... The retention of the technology is.. 등 이렇게 쓰인다. 

insurmountable 은 스펠링이 어렵게 느껴지지만 뜯어보면 의외로 심플하다. in- (-없는) + sur- (초월하다) + mount (넘다, 오르다) + -able (할 수 있는) = in sur mount able 으로 초월해서 넘어가는 게 불가능한 으로 조합된 단어이다. 


가끔 까다로운 단어를 만난다. given 이 그 대표적인 예이다. 분사형으로 사용되는데, 이렇게도 쓰이고 저렇게도 쓰이고, 마주치면 어떻게 해석해야할지 감이 안 잡힐 때도 있다. 캠브릿지 사전을 훑어보면서 이 단어를 공략해보도록 하자. 


Knowing about or considering a particular thing. -를 고려하면, - 인 것을 고려하면  정도로 해석이 된다.

EX - Given his age, he's a remarkably fast runner. 
Given the fact that he's had six months to do this, he hasn't made much progress.

예문만들기 : Given that he's been playing the piano for so long, his performance last night leaves a lot to be desired.
Given the time constraints we had, this is the best outcome.



Something that is certain to happen. 명사로 쓰이는 given 이다. "as a given" 처럼 덩어리로 자주 쓰인다. "예정된 것, 당연한 것" 으로 해석하면 큰 무리 없을 것 같다. 

EX - You can take it as a given that there will be champagne at the wedding.
It's a given that if he is defeated for reelection, he'll be offered a position in the administration.

예문만들기 : It seems like many foreigners take it as a given that they can communicate in english anywhere in the world.




Already decided, arranged or agreed 정해진, 주어진 으로 해석해면 될 것 같다. at any given time, at any given moment 등으로 자주 쓰인다.

EX - At any given time, the jury may reach a verdict, so we'd better stay nearby.

예문만들기: I was told to finish it within a given time.


+ 추가로  Collins 사전에서 추가 의미를 찾아서 추가정리한다.


Given is used when indicating a possible situation in wich someone has the opportunity or ability to do something. 주어진, 고려하면 등 위에서 체크했던 의미와 연장선상에 있다는 느낌을 준다. given the chance 가 if I had the chance 로 해석된다고 한다.

EX - Write down the sort of thing you would like to do, given the opportunity. 
Given patience, successful breeding of this species can be achieved. 


어제 정리한 succeed도 참고하시길!



늘 헷갈리는 succeed 의 뜻과 활용법을 알아보자

Succeed 란 단어, 대충은 알고있는데 50%만 알고있는 듯한 느낌. 얕게만 알고있으니 대충 아는 뜻으로만 해석하게되는데 그래서 오히려 잘못해석이 되어 이해가 안가는 현상이 종종 발생, 여려가지




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