오늘도 뉴욕타임즈 러너 아티클로 공부하는 영어시간
오늘의 기사 https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/15/learning/how-competitive-are-you.html
This page quotes parts of Jessia Grose's essay. She shows her concerns about her kids saying "Everything is a competition." She wants her kids to achieve what they want, but worries if they would go too far with the idea of competition and defeating others.
주목할만한 문장
- Do you enjoy competing against others for things like grades?
- Comparison is the thief of joy.
- ...makes me want to take a step back.
- A way to push back on that is to reframe losses as having value, because they can teach us where to direct our emergy toward improvement.
- I suspect that will be a forever project.
- worthwile: useful, important to be a suitanle reward for the money or time spent or the effort made.
ex) Does competition make things feel more exciting and worthwhile do you?
- ensure: to make something certain to happen
ex) The airline is taking steps to ensure safety on its aircraft.
- jostle: to knock or push roughly against someone in order to move past them, get for space
ex) racing down a path, jostling each other out of the way
- admonition: a piece of advice that is also a warning ro someone about their behaviour.
ex) the principal's admonition against bullying
- stymie [스타이미]: to prevent something from happening or someone from achieving a purpose
ex) These goals were frequently stymied by the same strong historical consciousness ../ ...will stymie good intentions.
- rack up: to gradually get more points, profits, etc
ex) He has racked up 450 points in three months.
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