  • La valise de la passagère est légère
    • The passanger's suitcase is light
  • La grammaire est le moindre probleme
    • The grammar is the least problem
  • (결혼기념일 메세지) Bon anniversaire de mariage! Vous êtes un bel exemple de couple heureux!
  • (도움에 대한 감사 메세지) Sincères remerciements pour ton aide!
  • citoyenne - citizen
  • infirmière - nerse
  • veuf - widowed
  • fort - strong
  • comptable - accountant
  • nouvelle/nouveau = new

  • Alors = so
  • Il voit = he sees
  • rencard = date
  • Tu vas bien? = are you OK?
  • les yeux = eyes
  • le nez = nose
  • Mon patron = boss
  • Cela semble bon = this seems good
  • quelque chose de special = something special
  • Rien d'interessant = nothing interesting
  • Si tu veux = If you want
  • Je t'en prie = you're welcome
  • Tu as raison = You're right

General Weather Descriptions:

  1. Il fait beau. (The weather is nice.)
  2. Il fait mauvais. (The weather is bad.)
  3. Il fait chaud. (It’s hot.)
  4. Il fait froid. (It’s cold.)
  5. Il y a du soleil. (It’s sunny.)
  6. Il y a du vent. (It’s windy.)
  7. Il y a des nuages. (It’s cloudy.)
  8. Il pleut. (It’s raining.)
  9. Il neige. (It’s snowing.)

More Detailed Responses:

  1. Il fait 20 degrés. (It’s 20 degrees.)
  2. Le ciel est bleu. (The sky is blue.)
  3. Le ciel est couvert. (The sky is overcast.)
  4. Il y a un orage. (There’s a storm.)
  5. Il y a de la brume. (It’s misty.)

Questions You Might Hear:

  1. Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui ? (What’s the weather like today?)
    • Example Answer: Il fait beau et il y a du soleil.
  2. Il fait chaud ou froid chez toi ? (Is it hot or cold where you are?)
    • Example Answer: Il fait froid, il y a du vent.
  3. Tu aimes le temps en hiver ? (Do you like winter weather?)
    • Example Answer: Oui, j’aime quand il neige. / Non, il fait trop froid pour moi.

Practice Conversations:

  • Q: Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui ?
    A: Il fait froid, mais il y a du soleil.
  • Q: Tu aimes quand il pleut ?
    A: Non, je préfère quand il fait beau.


Temps 는 시간도 되고 날씨도 되기때문에 맥락에 따라 해석

  • Pourquoi tu ne viens pas? (Why don't you come?)
  • Pourquoi tu ne mange pas? (Why don't you eat?)
  • Pourquoi tu ne lis pas? (- read?)


  • Pourquoi as-tu appelé? (why did you call?)
  • Pourquoi as-tu menti? (why did you lie?)
  • Pourquoi as-tu oblié? (why did you forget?)
  • Pourquoi as-tu fait ça? (why did you do that?)
  • Pourquoi sont-ils fatigués (why are they tired?)


  • Oú habites-tu? (where do you live?)
  • Oú travailles-tu? (where do you work?)


  • Qui sont ces personnes? (Who are these people?)
  • Qui sont à la maison? (Who are at home?)
  • You should offer a hand
  • It's not letting me in. (technical difficulty)
  • Words can't possibly express how grateful I am.
  • Let me go get some air. I don't want to veny my anger on you.
  • Has it been that long already?
  • I used to, and I did until recently.
  • Better late than never. It's a late bloomer.
  • I'd rather not talk about it. It's a touchy subject for me.
  • We worked tirelessly for this deal to go through.
  • I'm still working out some of the details (곰곰이 생각, 의논 해서 세부사항 정하다)
  • I don't want to rock the boat.
  • I'm afraid to rock the boat. Well, it might rock the boat but it's inevitable.
  • I used to ~ but now, I don't even have that kind of patience anymore.
  • I don't even have the patience to look through the menu anymore.
  • It took up a good chunk of my time.
  • I block out 30 minutes every day to work out.
  • The people from the moving company managed to lose one somehow (이사업체에서 용케도 잃어버렸더라)
  • She's off today = she's not herself today
  • I can't see him doing that.
  • Bypass = avoid/ignore official authority
  • endpoint (examples below)
  • introspective 자기성찰적인 = looking inside yourself
  • benevolence, benevolent 자애로운 자애
  • inexorable = continuing without any possibilities of being stopped
  • squiggly 꾸불꾸불한
  • replicate 원본을 기반으로 비슷한 복제
  • upstage - take people's attention away from someone and make them listen or look at u instead
  • dough = money
  • have money to burn 
  • counterfactual (명사, 형용사)  
  • coffee table book (they are not intended to be read from cover to cover)

I unfolded the old letter of her again, reading the squiggly handwritting. She was helping me out of benevolence. It felt like this relationship was inexorable. She might've had a lot of dough, so it isn't surprising she had money to burn helping me like this. Or was it just a bypass for her to get her permission to run for the president in the center? Showing the proof of this kind of stuff is enough to upstage. I need to stop endless counterfactual thinking. Our relationship has reached to its endpoint, ran its course a long time ago. This makes me to introspect. Now it's my turn to help someone. I could replicate what she's done to me. I picked up a coffee table book in my salon. 

We took the road that bypasses the town. 

I'm not at an endpoint of even at a midpoint in my career.
We've reached an an acceptable endpoint in this litigation.

Achiving a goal is an endpoint but it's also just a moment in time something we celebrate and move on.

Aging is an inexorable process.

squiggly lines, squiggly road 

Our cells replicate by dividing

I don't know what her job is but she certainly seems to have money to burn.

Thoughts about how an embarrssing event might have turned out differently are known to psycholosits as counterfactual thinking.

Historians talk about counterfactual things all the time

ex) hypothetical counterfactual, counterfactual questions, counterfactual history


  • drill in = to teach something through repetition/ to give someone practice in sth
  • interim = temporary until the permanent one exists.
    • patronizing (형) speaking/behaving towards someone as if they're stupid
      Or to be a regular customer
  • condescending = treating someone as if you're more important of intelligent.
  • demoralizing = 사기와 의욕을 꺾다 
  • prominent = sticking out from the surface (can be easily seen or noticed)
  • don't dish it if you can't take it
  • hit the nail on the head = to be exactly right about something
  • rando - random person (usually not welcomed, unexpected)
  • flabbergasted = feeling shocked (unexpected)
  • mishap = unlucky event, accident (usually not too serious)
  • overshoot 너무 나가다, 정지선보다 beyond and further, 

I really appreciate my coworkers since I know they try so hard to drill me in the company stuff. When I made some components too stand out from others, they gently pointed out that they shouldn't be prominent. Although I sometimes make little mishaps, I never overshoot, so I thought I was doing pretty well. Once I asked one of them how they're so nice, and they told me they used to criticize others in the team but once their manager gave them this feedback of "don't dish it out if you can't take it" and to other people who like to patronize when they talk. Those condescending culture demoralised the team in general, and he told me they're trying to be an interim manager/advisor to new hires after the manager quit, cause they deserve to be treated nicely, they're not randos, if anything, team mambers. I was flabbergasted, and kinda hit the nail on the head.

The teacher drilled the students in the use of the passive.
An interim solution. An interim government. In the interim.... an interim job, 

It's that patronizing tone of her that I can't bear. STOP patronizing me, I understand as well as you do.

Goverment spending ontinues to overshoot. We overshot our budget this month by 12%

The low salary is very demoralising.

I hate the way he's so condescending to his staff




  • celibate - 금욕하는, 금욕
  • repercussion - 결과 (mostly negative)
  • locale 장소 (영화나 책의 배경?) ex 놀이공원
  • hatch 천장이나 바닥 수직의 문 or 부화하다 (병아리 알, 배,창고의 천장 문)
  • snuggle (down/up) 비대다
  • tally 합계 기록 (누적된 거라 계속 업데이트 되는)
  • recency 최신, 최신의 정도
  • ensue 뒤따르다 (결과가)
  • a picture is worth a thousand words
  • admittedly 인정은 하는데...
  • deprecated 더이상 사용되지 않는
  • cinephile = a person with a passonate interest in cinema
  • volatile 빠르고 예상치못하게 변화하는

When he made up his mind on becoming celibate, he obviously he didn't factor in what would be ensuing. It was when he was 12 year old. On the cusp of 20, he was already in colleage, and he started to realise this is not very possible. Seeing that volatile dating experiences of his friends, he naturally started to eager something like that too. And the cinema near the campus was the locale of something happened to him. He was hanging out with his cinephile friend, Joe, and he kinda started to snuggle up with him. He felt something deep down that he want this so bad. But he always was so proud of his tally, and the recency of the body changes of himself was challenging him very much. He was afraid of repercussion of this. Joe found a deprecated hatch on the cinema floor, and they went in there. Later he said "admittedly, I went into the hatch with Joe, but nothing happened. But Joe shared his intimate pictures with him and the picture was worth a thousand words.

He regarded sex outside of marrige as sinful, he remained celibate all his life.
He discribed himself as "a reluctant celibate" 

Any decrease in tourism could have serious repercussion for the local economy.
Far-reaching repercussion

We don't keep a tally of it.

admittedly the ball was close to the line. But it wasn't out.

Food and fuel prices are very volatile in a war situation.



  • sweat out toxins 땀으로 독소를 배출하다 (땀은 그런 기능을 하지는 않음)
  • biomimicry
  •  embezzle 횡령하다
  • blast through - quickly and energetically complete a task or activity (overcoming obstables or challenges with determination and rapid progress.
  • frig - to have sex / masturbate
  • a lather 비누거품 (lather is more thicker and substantial than bubbles)
  • augment - to increase size or value of something by adding something to it
  • radically = completely, extremely
  • bummed out = really depressed and sad
  • second wave = second part of an event or a situation
  • resurrect [레저렉트] 소생하다
  • rectify 바로잡다
  • strike up a friendship / conversation 시작하다 (큰 그림 안에서....?)

It was by this time last year I first met Jane. I was under treatment of depression. Jane is my neighbour. I thought she was just a lazy but very happy lady never doing anything productive. I didn't really care about her. Once she looked very bummed out and I shared her a piece of chocolate. And that day I think we struck up this precious friendship. She told me she got a job and kicked out right away at work being accused of embezzlement. It was clearly a misunderstanding, but she was too bummed out to rectify the situation and just chose to be fired. Talking with her, we realised we share a common passion, so we decided to start a business and for the last 6 months we blasted through tons of work to found our own company. After the first launch, we got so many orders and now it's a little quite. However we're waiting for a second wave as we update new products to augment our business. We're inspired by nature and we use biomimicry as our strategy. This things radically resurrect me from depression. I'm running and feel like I'm sweating out toxins!

He stood under the shower lathering himself with the soap.

  • biomimicry - aims to take inspiration from natural selection solutions adopted by nature and translate the principle to human engineering.

She blasted through her to-do list and finished all the task ahead of schedule.

He would have to find a job to augument his income.

The comment just bummed me out.

If we have a second wave recession...

Jesus was resurrected from the dead, Trying to resurrect her career, 

to rectify any mistakes / errors / situation



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