  • drill in = to teach something through repetition/ to give someone practice in sth
  • interim = temporary until the permanent one exists.
    • patronizing (형) speaking/behaving towards someone as if they're stupid
      Or to be a regular customer
  • condescending = treating someone as if you're more important of intelligent.
  • demoralizing = 사기와 의욕을 꺾다 
  • prominent = sticking out from the surface (can be easily seen or noticed)
  • don't dish it if you can't take it
  • hit the nail on the head = to be exactly right about something
  • rando - random person (usually not welcomed, unexpected)
  • flabbergasted = feeling shocked (unexpected)
  • mishap = unlucky event, accident (usually not too serious)
  • overshoot 너무 나가다, 정지선보다 beyond and further, 

I really appreciate my coworkers since I know they try so hard to drill me in the company stuff. When I made some components too stand out from others, they gently pointed out that they shouldn't be prominent. Although I sometimes make little mishaps, I never overshoot, so I thought I was doing pretty well. Once I asked one of them how they're so nice, and they told me they used to criticize others in the team but once their manager gave them this feedback of "don't dish it out if you can't take it" and to other people who like to patronize when they talk. Those condescending culture demoralised the team in general, and he told me they're trying to be an interim manager/advisor to new hires after the manager quit, cause they deserve to be treated nicely, they're not randos, if anything, team mambers. I was flabbergasted, and kinda hit the nail on the head.

The teacher drilled the students in the use of the passive.
An interim solution. An interim government. In the interim.... an interim job, 

It's that patronizing tone of her that I can't bear. STOP patronizing me, I understand as well as you do.

Goverment spending ontinues to overshoot. We overshot our budget this month by 12%

The low salary is very demoralising.

I hate the way he's so condescending to his staff




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