
  • sweat out toxins 땀으로 독소를 배출하다 (땀은 그런 기능을 하지는 않음)
  • biomimicry
  •  embezzle 횡령하다
  • blast through - quickly and energetically complete a task or activity (overcoming obstables or challenges with determination and rapid progress.
  • frig - to have sex / masturbate
  • a lather 비누거품 (lather is more thicker and substantial than bubbles)
  • augment - to increase size or value of something by adding something to it
  • radically = completely, extremely
  • bummed out = really depressed and sad
  • second wave = second part of an event or a situation
  • resurrect [레저렉트] 소생하다
  • rectify 바로잡다
  • strike up a friendship / conversation 시작하다 (큰 그림 안에서....?)

It was by this time last year I first met Jane. I was under treatment of depression. Jane is my neighbour. I thought she was just a lazy but very happy lady never doing anything productive. I didn't really care about her. Once she looked very bummed out and I shared her a piece of chocolate. And that day I think we struck up this precious friendship. She told me she got a job and kicked out right away at work being accused of embezzlement. It was clearly a misunderstanding, but she was too bummed out to rectify the situation and just chose to be fired. Talking with her, we realised we share a common passion, so we decided to start a business and for the last 6 months we blasted through tons of work to found our own company. After the first launch, we got so many orders and now it's a little quite. However we're waiting for a second wave as we update new products to augment our business. We're inspired by nature and we use biomimicry as our strategy. This things radically resurrect me from depression. I'm running and feel like I'm sweating out toxins!

He stood under the shower lathering himself with the soap.

  • biomimicry - aims to take inspiration from natural selection solutions adopted by nature and translate the principle to human engineering.

She blasted through her to-do list and finished all the task ahead of schedule.

He would have to find a job to augument his income.

The comment just bummed me out.

If we have a second wave recession...

Jesus was resurrected from the dead, Trying to resurrect her career, 

to rectify any mistakes / errors / situation



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