
  • stoned = high 
  • bulletin board 게시판
  • tear gas (used to control crowds of people)
  • put money/cash down = if you put down some money, you pay part
  • ease up = to gradually stop, become less = to treat someone less harsh
  • indoctrinate 가르쳐서 받아들이게 하다
  • impersonal = without human wealth/ 이름 지칭하지 않고 it 등을 써서 말하는 것
  • (add) personal touch 고유하고 특별한 퀄리티를 부여하는 것
  • hit the sack = go to bed
  • go down in flames = to fail spectacularly
  • gullible 잘속는
  • triumph 큰 성공, 성취
  • vigilant 주의깊은
  • revamp = change and arrange again to improve

I was so stoned and now the feeling started to ease up. Tears came out weirdly like tear gas was near. The first thing I tried to do was arranging a laptop deal, and they asked me to put some cash down. It was a pretty good deal, so I checked a few stuff - I'm not really gullible and I find myself pretty vigilant. Today I picked up the new device, it was pretty clean. I wanted to add some personal touch on the shiny laptop, so tried painting on the cover. It looked bad and it went down in flames kinda. I had to hit the sack. This morning I took a look at it again It looks messy and looks like a bulletin board in a way. This looks strange but If i had been indoctrinated that this is real art and beautiful, would that have looked good and a triumph? I planned for a revamp. I posted this on a website and I liked the impersonal approach when they criticised my work. 

If the father doesn't ease up on him, he's going to leave home.
At last the rain began to ease up.

Ease up on the accelator (to apply less pressure to)

we revamped the management system

They have been indoctrinated by television to believe that violence is normal

She has a very cold and impersonal manner. Hospitals always seem impersonal.

Impersonal criticism

They need to be more vigilant in checking bags



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