
  • win by a whisker 간발의 차로 이기다
  • rant and rave about = talk loudly and angrily in an uncontrolled way
  • I read you loud and clear = I can understand exactly.
  • tertiary (tertiary education, tertiary industry)
  • set in one's way - when they have fixed habits and ideas which they will not easily change, (old fashioned.)
  • utilize = to use something in an effective way
  • in part = to some degree
  • out to = to be determinded to, aiming to do
  • on the spur of the moment 계획에 없던, 갑작스러운 (a spur of the moment decision)
  • hindrance 장애물 (without hindrance, any hindrances)
  • aggregate 것ㅌ - 집합체 = total (형용사로)
  • janky - very bad in quality or condition
  • imminent - happening soon
  • impending - something unpleasant or unwanted that is going to happen soon

Andy was very smart but sneaky. Like, street smart, he didn't even take tertiary education. He won by a whisker in the competition by making the other candidate distracted by a couple ranting and raving about some news near the set. He knows how to utilize situations and people around him. However, he couldn't do anything when he faced the imminent accident in his car. Often our brain stops when we see an obvious impending situation. That urgency serves as a hinderance in part. He's now in hospital. The public room was pretty much an aggregate of janky things. The room was full of old peole, and they were so set in their ways, his attempt to manipulate their mind was like a water off duck's back. When I got to his hospital room, I could read him loud and clear. He was out to escape the room. That was not a spur of the moment decision.

You should spend less time ranting and raving about how unfair your professor is and spend mroe time actually studying the material.

impending/imminent disaster. Her death is imminent. Their impending marriage.

Snowflakes are loose aggregates of ice crystals. An aggregate profit of $10.2 millions.

The company is simply out to make larger profit.

As people get older, they often become set in their ways.

The vitamins come in a form that is easily utilized by the body. / The library's great collection allowed me to utilize many rare resources.

Stress worsens the problem

The accident were due in part to the bad weather.

The level of blood gluose depend in part on what you eat.



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