- roll out the red carpet = to welcome someone as a very important person
- dawn on -에게 분명해지다, 깨닫게 되다, 이해되기 시작하다
- peter out = gradually becoming smaller, weaker, less
- hold one's tongue = to not speak 참는 뉘앙스
- save one's breath = 말할 가치가 없으니 숨을 아끼겠다는 뉘앙스 (레)
- intergrity 궁극적으로는 무결점의 상태를 말한다고 함- 진실성, 첨렴성, 윤리적으로도 엄격한 기준을 가지고 일을 처리하는 것
- parse through = examine, understand thoroghly and detaily
- delineation 딜리니에이션 - 묘사하다(clear outline, character, boundaries)
- guesswork 추측으로한일, 추측하는과정
- squircle = squarish circle
- axis 축
- asymptote 점근선 그래프에서 곡선과 같은 방향 하지만 절대 만나지 않는
- configure = 설정하다, 설정을 바꾸다 (컴퓨터 시스템에서)
- a laptop configuration consists of GB, SSD, hard disk, USB ports
If there will be a senier level member joining us, they would roll out the red carpet. But no candidates match what they were looking for. If one matches the level of intergrity, they lack of confidence. And one was really good at configuring layouts to optimise user experience, but they relyed on guesswork a lot so wasn't a good fit. It's just like a curve and it's asymptote. (The CEO is in the middle of axis, not even close.) Becuase it was really hard to hire a right person, I had to parse through the documents on my own. It's already been a while since it dawned on them that they need more people. So HR team posted a role on many websites with delineation. There were so many candidates but they were all same so the leader just saved his breath. Before I left the job, I wanted to tell them they need a compromise, but they wouldn't listen to me, so I held my tongue. I hope you keep your intergrity and not peter out. If there's no squircle on the menu, you should control radious.
it started to dawn on me (분명해지기 시작했다) The meaning suddenly dawned on me. It finally dawned on him that she'd been joking. It suddenly dawned on me that I hadn't eaten all day.
The romantic relationship petered out after the summer. It began to peter out
might as well save my breath 레-명사/ 리e - 동사
The team had to parse through thousands of lines of code to identify the bug.