
새로 배운 구동사/ 단여/ 영어 표현 목록

be bound for - (비행기 등 이동수단) - 행이다.
beside the point - 부적절한, 동떨어진
turn up - 나타나다
on a roll - 잘 굴러가는
next to nothing - 사소한, 거의 없는

She and I were in a train bound for Spain. She said she wasn't gonna go, but turned up last minute and we got on the train. I don't know where we're gonna stay during the trip, but that's beside the point. We spoke next to nothing to each other so far. I really want this relationship to be on a roll.


be bound for 은 이동수단이 어디 목적지로 향한다고 할 때 쓴다.  A Taxi bound for Seoul, A plane bound for New York 이런 식으로 써도 되고 We're bound for LA 이런식으로 써도 된다. 
**be bound to 와 헷갈리면 안되는데 to 를 사용하면 완전 다른 뜻으로, -해야한다는 의무를 나타내거나, - 할 수 밖에 없다 같은 의미가 된다. 

show up 이 나타나다라는 뜻이라서 헷갈리는데 turn up 은 좀 더 기다림 끝에 예상치 못하게 나타난다는 뉘앙스를 살짝 풍기는 듯 하다. 그래서 turn 이 사용되는 듯 하다...


- insurmountable 극복할 수 없는, 대저할 수 없는, 해결할 수 없는
- utterance 발언, 입 밖에 냄, 표현함
- fatalist  운명론자
- retention 유지, 기억, 정체

My sister is such a fatalist, and whenever I have hard times, the way she comforts me is a little uncomfortable. No matter what she says, I don't think I have no control over my own life. That probably helps in some ways for easier life, but look at her, if something seems insurmountable, she gives up right away and she believes it is what it is even before she really tries it. And such utterances make her belief and retention more solid.

여기서 주의해야할 점은 fatalist 는 파탈- 이 아니라 페이탈리스트라고 발음한다는 것이다. 정말 사용할 일이 많이 없을 것 같은 단어들인데 아무튼 이 4개 단어를 조합하여 짧은 글을 써 보았다. 근데  retention을 올바르게 사용한 것인지는 잘 모르겠다. retention은 유지, 정체의 의미로 사용되는 단어인데, 긍정적으로 사용되기도 하고 부정적인 상황에서도 많이 쓰이는 듯 하다. The retention of the government .... The retention of the technology is.. 등 이렇게 쓰인다. 

insurmountable 은 스펠링이 어렵게 느껴지지만 뜯어보면 의외로 심플하다. in- (-없는) + sur- (초월하다) + mount (넘다, 오르다) + -able (할 수 있는) = in sur mount able 으로 초월해서 넘어가는 게 불가능한 으로 조합된 단어이다. 


- put (bring) an end to 종결짓다, 끝내다
- put through 전화를 연결하다
- habitat 서식지
- back-to-back 연속적인
- tactful 요령있는

These back-to-back meetings never end and I'm swamped. It's like I'm a rat in an experinent and this small office is my habitat white lab coated people set. I have to put an end to this vicious cycle. While a receptionist put me through to my manager, I recalled briefly what I'm going to say again. I need to be tactful

억지스럽게 이야기를 지어내보았는데 정말 어렵다 ㅠ 전화 연결시 put through 를 쓸 때는 to 를 쓴다. 




- spiral 나선형의
- prosperity 번영
- compartment 객실
- out of the blue 갑자기
- into the bargain 게다가, 뿐만아니라

My business is in a downward spiral now. I worked hard only for our prosperity. Even before we get to the height of it, we're going south. While I isolated myself in a small compartment blaming everything, out of the blue, some ideas to make up all of these popped into my head. I grabbed a pen and began sketching new strategies. I started to see the bright side. We'll be able to increase our revenue stream and get new clients into the bargain. 


downward spiral 은 상황이 끊임없이 안 좋아지고 나빠지는 상황을 말한다. 
be at the height of something 은 정점에 있는, 가장 높은 지점에 도달해있는 느낌이다. 
pop into my head 도 같이 기억해두면 큰 도움이 될 것 같다. 


- applicant 지원자
- new hire 신입사원
- rearrange 재조정하다
- wakeup call 모닝콜
- be eligible to -에 적격이다, - 할 자격이 되다
- enter into 시작하다, 착수하다 (if you enter into something such as an agreement, discussion, or relationship, you become involved in it. : from collins dictionary)
- give off 발산하다 방출하다

Today, Andy started his new job. He was so pumped that he's got the position, there were hundreds of other applicants. He felt like a winner of some olympic games, until he got to work this morning. When he arrived at the office a little earlier, he thoguth the company gave off weird energy. One told him that there was a big arrangement overnight, and his boss rudely said "You and I are gonna have to start work at 6 o'clock precisely from tomorrow." Andy was confused. What in the world is he talking about? He asked people if there are possibilities of rearrangement, yet no one knew. He tried visiting the hiring manager's office, but he was only told "We clearly informed you before we enter into the contract that our environment is very fast-paced and there's gonna be big changes time to time. We thought you're a good fit here since you introduced yourself as a rule-follower. Maybe you should find someone who can give you a wakeup call or whatever if you find it hard to start a day early. This is my only advice I can give to new hires like you. And you're eligible to resign, I'm just telling you, you can consider that."


(영어공부 기록 페이지입니다. )

be eligible to 는 -에 적격이다 라고 외우고 있었는데 검색해보니 미국에서 일 할 자격이 법적으로 있다, 장학금을 신청할 자격이 된다 같은 맥락에서 많이 쓰인다. eligible man/ woman 은 결혼적격자... 결혼하기에 적격인 사람을 이르는 말인데,  eligible + 사람 형태를 응용해서 여기 저기에 사용할 수 있다.

give off 는 주로 가스, 냄새 등을 방출한다고 말 할 때 쓰는데, 어떤 에너지를 내뿜는다고 할 때 써도 되는 것 같다. 


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