


- spiral 나선형의
- prosperity 번영
- compartment 객실
- out of the blue 갑자기
- into the bargain 게다가, 뿐만아니라

My business is in a downward spiral now. I worked hard only for our prosperity. Even before we get to the height of it, we're going south. While I isolated myself in a small compartment blaming everything, out of the blue, some ideas to make up all of these popped into my head. I grabbed a pen and began sketching new strategies. I started to see the bright side. We'll be able to increase our revenue stream and get new clients into the bargain. 


downward spiral 은 상황이 끊임없이 안 좋아지고 나빠지는 상황을 말한다. 
be at the height of something 은 정점에 있는, 가장 높은 지점에 도달해있는 느낌이다. 
pop into my head 도 같이 기억해두면 큰 도움이 될 것 같다. 


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