
비슷한 표현들을 한번에 알아보자!


- 우연히 마주치다. (by chance) 예상하지 못한 것

ex) When did you encounter these difficulties?
ex) We encounter stresses of one kind or another.
ex) She didn't remember our first encounter last year.

run into 

- meet by chance (놀람을 표함하고있음) -> 아는 사람을 만나거나 예상치 못한 어려움을 마주칠때. (대화나 인사정도 했다는 것을 암시하기도.) 
- bump into 와 매우 비슷 하지만 run into 는 사람 말고 문제를 맞딱드렸다고 할 때도 쓸 수 있다. 

ex) I ran into some trouble trying to do this homework.
ex) She might've ran into some problems at work.

bump into

- run into 와 매우 비슷. Interchangeable 하게 사용해도 무방하다. 물리적으로 부딪혔다고 할 때 사용할 수도 있다. 
- to meen someone you know when you have not planned to meet them.

ex) Whenever I go to the mall I always bump into him.
ex) He would bump into too many people who knew him
ex) I bumped into him at the party and he spilled his drink on me.

run across

- come across 와 매우 비슷 -> 주로 사물을 마주쳤다고 할 때나 모르는 사람(이름만 아는) 사람을 마주치는 것. 대화가 없었을 가능성 높음 (one way, discover)

ex) I ran across some interesting news.
ex) I ran across my high school yearbook while I was cleaning my room.
ex) You could run across more information.

come across 

- run across 와 매우 비슷. 문학적인 표현이다. 사람에 쓰지 않는다. 

ex) I came across a new nice restaurant today. 
ex) I came across the earings that I thought I had lost.
ex) I came across many tourists at the park.


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