

  • grow apart 조금씩 멀어지게되다
  • assert 주장하다
  • wicked 못된, 사악한
  • over the hill 한물간, 한물꺾인
  • hail :  to call someone to attract their attention
  • you set yourself up 자승자박


She and I were really close when we were little. We've grown apart now, but I sometimes miss the times we had fun together. She always liked to assert herself, and I was bigoted too. But we were somehow good fit for each other and we, as a duo, did a lot of wicked things to our bothers too. Angry parents' admonitions were usually followed. Once we got in a taxi and she told the old taxi driver he was over the hill, we got kicked out of the car. It was a secluded area of the town, there was no cars to hail. We set ourselves up, couldn't blame anyone. Today, I saw her hailing me from across the street. Her in my memory, hailing a taxi beside me overlapped her in present. 


grow apart 는 gradually 의 이미지를 포함하고있다. 자연스럽게 취미나 공통점이 사라지면서 거리가 점점 멀어지는 것을 의미한다. 

assert 는 강하게 주장하다, 

over the hill 은 한물간 이라는 한국어 뜻 때문에 모호하다고 생각했는데 특히 나이가 든 사람들한테 무례하게 늙었다고 말 할 때 쓸 수 있고, 예전에는 할 수 있었는데 이제는 나이가 들어서 예전처럼 못 할때도 over the hill 을 사용해서 표현한다. 산이 올라가다가 꺾이고 내려가는 거 처럼 한 풀 꺾여서 이제 꺾였다 이런 느낌으로 이해하면 될 것 같다. 그래서 over the hill 인 것 같다. 

hail 은 간단한 동사 같은데 하늘에서 내리는 우박 말고 동사로는 누군가의 주의를 끌어서 부르다 이런 뜻이다. 왜 아무도 가르쳐 준 적이 없는지.. hail a taxi, hail a car 이렇게 많이 쓰는 듯 하다. 

set up 은 활용과 뜻이 많은데, 그 중에 you set me up 이라고 하면 니가 날 함정에 빠뜨렸어 이다. 근데 you set yourself up 이라고 하면 니가 니 무덤을 팠어 니까 자승자박이라는 뜻이 된다. 하지만 set up 은 정말 뜻이 많기 때문에 문맥을 잘 파악해서 해석이 될 수 있어야한다. set someone up 은 소개팅을 해주다 이런 뜻도 있을 수 있고 set up the time we'll meet 하면 만날 시간을 정하자는 뜻도 될 수도 있고 여러가지가 있따...



  • get off the ground  시작하다 (성공적인 이라는 뉘앙스를 포함하는)
  • foremost in someone's mind 최우선으로 생각하는
  • building block 구성요소
  • rollout 공개, 발표
  • put one's foot down 단호히 반대하다, 속도를 올리다 (운전)
  • scratch the surface 겉만 핥다

The new product's launching day has set up. Now we're preparing for getting this project off the ground. In this product we've just started to take, the customer service department is very importnat building blcok. Since our manager takes the fact foremost in mind, she chose to roll this out sparingly. It's definitely less risky, because otherwise, big-bang rollout would require too many QA processes and labors, but still can't even certain about its success. The thing is, our client has been putting his foot down without knowing the risks of such things. The user testing phases he suggested doesn't seem deep enough to test its quality. It's just like scatching the surface. 

fisrt and foremost 라는 표현도 있다. 최우선의, 같은 뜻

put one's foot down 은 foot down 하는 주체가 권위를 가지고 있음을 암시한다. 



  • ring up 가격을 찍다, 전화하다
  • eloquent 유창한
  • touch on 언급하다
  • turn a deaf ear 들은 척도 않다
  • trade in 신제품과 교환하다
  • under arrest 체포된 수감된


Darren said he was going to ring up the stuff at the supermarket. It was always his responsibility when we go shopping together. We were going to meet at outside. But he didn't come out and I was standing in fron of the gate for 30 minutes. Maybe we got our wires crossed about where we're gonna meet? I went inside and he was speaking to some group of people. Um I know he's such an eloquent speaker, but I couldn't think of any reasons he has to do that in the supermarket. It sounded like they touched on some morality issues. Later on, he walked out with me and he explained everything. He asked for trading in his old Iphone for new one as the staff member was ringing up, apparently she truned a deaf ear for the demands because she didn't want to be bothered. It turned out she was on her mandatory social volunteering after she got under arrest. 


- ring up 은 전화하다는 뜻으로 She rang me up 처럼 쓰일 수도 있으나 바코드 찍을 때 나는 소리에서 유래해서 가격표를 찍다, 계산하다로 확장되어 사용된다. 

- touch on 은 가볍게 짚고 넘어가거나 건드리듯이 말하고 가는 것. 

- get our wires crossed about 은 -에 대해서 서로 엇갈리듯이 오해했다는 표현이다. 

- turn a deaf ear 은 들은 체도 하지 않는 다는 표현인데 for 과 같이 쓰인다는 것을 알아두어야한다.

- trade in 은 그냥 교환이 아니고 내가 쓰던 것이나 다른 것을 새것을 살 때 같이 지불헤서 가격을 깎는다는 의미이다. 아이폰 보상판매가 가장 적절하게 떠오르는 예시라서 억지로 끼워넣었다. 새 차를 사면서 내가 타던 중고차를 같이 주면서 내야 할 돈을 깎아서 준다 할떄 쓰며 for 전치사를 어떻게 쓰는지 잘 봐두어야한다. trade in OLD one FOR NEW one 이런 식으로 쓴다. 





영상이 너무 큰 도움이 되어서 복습겸 작성하는 포스트


1. 들다, 잡다
hold doors, hold her purse (bag) , hold her baby

2. 꼭 잡다
hold the handle tight! hold me tight!
Nothing will hold me back from success 날 막을 수 없다.
What's holding you back? 왜 못하는데? 
Hold the coriander please 고수는 빼주세요

3. 현 상태 유지
Could you please hold while I check my calender? (전화에서)
Your luck won't hold forever (유지되지 않을거야)
Hold on a second (casual, 잠깐만 기다려주세요)
I hope the good weather will hold (계속 지속되었으면 하는 바람)

4. 소유
He holds the record for sit-ups.
We're going to hold a conference next week.
The next event is going to be held in december.

5. 버티다
I can't hold it anymore (화장실 못 참겠어 도 되고, 그냥 이제 못 참겠다는 뜻도 됨)
The stage couldn't hold the weight of all the people and collapsed. (무대가 사람들 무게를 지탱을 못함)
The baby can hold her head up well. (아기가 머리를 들고 지탱함)
I try to hold my temper. (화를 잘 다스리다. 반대: I lost my temper)
She's holding herself well. (잘 버티고 있다) How are you holding up? -> 잘 버티고 있니? 라는 힘든 상황을 아는 사람이 물을 수 있는 안부인사
The glue holds very well. (이 풀 잘 붙네)
The nail is too small to hold the picture frame. (지탱을 못 한다)

6. 담다
This folder is holding important papers. (담겨있다)
That drawer holds underwear. (속옷이 든 서랍)
The jar holds sugar. (담겨있다.) 
This cell phone holds many pictures.
She is holding a grudge against her ex-bf. (원한을 가지고 있다)
No one knows what the future will hold (bring). 미래에 어떤 일이 생길지 모른다. happen 으로 표현하는 거 보다 좀 더 많은 것이 담긴 미래에 대한 표현.


셀리 쌤 감사합니다!



  • refrain from -을 삼가다
  • quarrel with -와 다투다
  • resort to -에 의지하다 
  • vindicate - 씻다, 소명하다


A bus driver asked an old man to refrain from eating food on the bus, and the man seemed to be very offended by the request. He started shouting at the driver in a somewhat abrasive manner, a few moments later he was having a quarrel with everyone on the bus. The situation was getting serious, I had to resort to violence to stop him. For this reason, I'm at police station right now, but I'm sure what I had to do will be vindicated.


4가지 표현들은 꼭 추가로 기억해 두어야 할 것이 있다. refrain 은 자동사고 수동태로 쓰이지 않는다. 다소 격식있는 표현처럼 들리며, 비행기에서 이륙시 화장실 사용을 자제해달라 할때 "Please refrain from using the toilets during landin" 표지판에 "Please refrain from smoking in this area" 이렇게 많이 쓰인다. "People refrained from talking to each other in the auditorium" 과 같이 수동태로 쓰이지 않는다는 점 알아두어야한다.

querrel 은 화난 상태로 argue 하는 것 이외에도 disagree, 정치적으로 외교적으로 disagree 를 한다던가 할 때 쓸 수 있다. 위의 문장에서처럼 have 를 사용하여 명사로 써도 된다,

resort to 는 다른 옵션이 없어서 마지못해 거기에 의지할 수 밖에 없었던 경우에 사용된다. 폭력에 의지할 수 밖에 없었다 - 다른 대안은 없었다는 의미를 내포한다. 

vindicate 는 잘못된 것 처럼 오명을 썼을때 그 오명을 씻는다는 의미를 가진다. 다수에게 아니라고 이야기 들었지만 증거나 조사로 합당하다고 입증된다는 것을 내포하는 경우가 많다. 


out of hand

= out of control, 감당할 수 없다

ex) Things got a little out of hand at the party and three windows were broken.
ex) He went to see his doctor because he felt his drinking was getting out of hand.
ex) The kids were getting out of hand.
ex) The situation got out of hand

Out of season

= 적기가 아닌

ex) I don't like to use food that is out of season. 
ex) The restaurant only uses local produce, so their menu changes if something is out of season.
ex) Bananas are never out of season.

Out of place

= 불편한, not comfortable in or not suitable for a situation, 있지 말아야 할 자리에 있는 것 처럼 불편한

ex) The picture looks out of place here.
ex) I felt out of place in my huge new school.
ex) I felt a little out of place, most of the guests were sports fans.
ex) I was the only asian and I felt a little out of place.

Out of order

= 고장난, 작동이 안 되는, 행동이나 말이 out of order 면 불쾌하거나 다른 사람을 기분상하게 하는 것

ex) His behaviour in the meeting was out of order.
ex) The elevator is out of order.
ex) The banding machine is completely out of order. 
ex) What you said is a little out of order. 

Out of one's mind

= unable to behave or deal with things normally because something has made you very worried, unhappy, or angry

ex) She was out of her mind with grief
ex) I'd go out of my mind if I had to do her job all day
ex) I totally went out of my mind at the time.
ex) He was out of his mind after he heard the news.


out of order 랑 out of place 랑 비슷 한 것 같은데 out of order 는 unacceptable 한 느낌이 강하고,  out of place 는 있지 말아야 하는 자리에 있는 거 같아서 어색하고 불편한 느낌




Opinion | The Best Extracurricular May Be an After-School Job

Personally, I learned more working outside school than I did in the classroom.




- The writer believes that extracurricular activities - especially working experience - are essential for teenagers. She lists up waht she could learn from doing part time jobs as a student, and says working experiences would give students precious lessons, hence teenagers should get a job even if they don't need to work to support their families. A sense of independence, responsibility, and time management skills are things that collage students lack of, so after school jobs can be a good opportunity for that, the writer added.

새로 배운 단어

  • extracurrirular : an extracurrirualr activity or subject is not part of the usual school or collage course.
  • lament : to express sadness or feeling sorry about something. (The poem opens by lamenting the death of a young man)
  • supposedly - 이 사실일 거라고 가정하지만 100% 신뢰하지 않는다는 것을 보여주기 위한 말 (지딴에는 -라더라 이렇게 말 할 때도 쓰인다고 함)


기억할 만한 문장

  • Conditions couldn't be more optimal.
  • ...older teenagers holding down a job of one kind or another.
  • Consider that having an afternoon job cultivates skills like time management and instills a sense of independence and personal responsibility
  • Being fired isn't the end of your career, and neither is quitting.
  • You're being paid for your time.
  • ...my arithmetic also got a regular workout.





  • latitude (선택, 행동 방식의) 자유
  • lackluster 재미없는, 활기없는, 광택의 결여
  • as far as I'm concerned 내가 보기에는, 내 입장에서, 내 생각으로는
  • allow for 고려하다
  • take after 닮다


Andy took on a mini project as a freelancer for the first time. It requires great sense of responsibility but at the same time Andy felt he is given wide latitude to control every aspect of the project by himself. He was in his element, he could make better outcomes freelancing. Even the projects seem to be a lackluster, he took it on. But, he had to allow for his schedule. He got swamped and started to feel suffocated by too much work. Once he completely missed the due day and a strange client blamed him for taking after his lazy brother. 

latitude 란 단어는 자유, 자율성이란 뜻으로 선택을 할 수 있는 범위를 묘사할 때 자주 쓰인다. wide latitude, great deal of latitude, afford latitide 등 자주 연결되어서 쓰이는 단어들을 같이 알아두면 좋다. 

allow for 이라는 단어는 그냥 allow 와 다르다. allow for 은 take into consideration 와 비슷한 의미를 가진다.  
make allowance for 의 형태로 사용할 수도 있다. 

as far as I'm concerned 은 내 의견을 이야기 하기에 앞서 붙이기 좋은 표현인데, 도저히 영작에는 활용할 수 없어서 사용하지 못했다! ㅠ


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