  • FInd the right ways of engaging your stakeholders to make it more likely they'll remember the decisions you made together.
  • The client spent an inordinate amount of time talking about how that particular engine part was not their best seller.
  • I was working with a guy who was very sensitive to everything being perfectly lined up in a grid.
  • With this particular person, it was important that I take the time to clean up my wireframes so that I could save time in a meeting as well as avoid possible rework.
  • It's so convenient to be able to see all the pages right there.
  • Had I used a better icon to begin with, I could have saved myself from having to explain in each time.
  • Learn the keyboard shortcut for muting your mic and use it.
  • You don't have to create an elaborate outline; just a simple list will suffice. 
  • You'll commit to memory. 
  • We want to reduce our own cognitive load to the point that holding the meeting is a breeze.
  • My client asked me to change the order of some input fields because she didn't realize that the exported file could be independently ordered from the user's input.
  • I couldn've redirected my effort to something else that would have had a bigger impact if I had been skilled enough to hear what wasn't being said.
  • I should have dived deeper to understand his lack of enthusiasm before blindly moving forward on my own.
  • They see a need that isn't being met with our designs, and they may express it with a suggestion that isn't the right solution.
  • It was a simple request, but it was contradictory to what we had previously agreed upon.
  • Outwardly show you are engaged in the conversation.
  • I've found that a lack of notes is frequently responsible for miscommunications, repeat conversastions, and changing requirments on many projects.
  • There may be team members who aren't present at the meeting.
  • It's easy for it to get derailed by something that isn't the core focus.
  • You can see the value of another person's idea, even if you disagree. 
  • When your ego is getting in the way, that value is lost.
  • We're only agreeing on the problems because it might still be possible that another approach will solve it.
  • If feels much less awkward when it is a habit.

'문장 반복 읽기 자료' 카테고리의 다른 글

Specifically about Korea  (0) 2023.03.01
gumi  (0) 2023.02.27
greentech and economy  (0) 2023.02.21
헷갈리는 단어 위주 예문  (0) 2023.02.18
freelancers working at a low rate & AI designer  (0) 2023.02.17
  • The environmental responsibility of countries was raised on a global scale.
  • The Rio Earth Summit laid the foundations for better management of the planet and established the concept of sustainable development.
  • As the cost of living crisis soars, energy prices continue to rise and questions about energy supply and canbon emissions are brought to the fore.
  • Harnessing the power of the sun is one way Europe can move towards sustainable energy independence.
  • Technologies for environmental protection, renewable energies, and the efficient use of resources.
  • Manufacturers may need to change its choice of raw materials.
  • Vertical farming, for instance, helps produce crops without having to waste water and use cast tracts of land.
  • Electric vehicles and solar energy panels are the well-known green tech examples.
  • Due to growing concerns about climate change and the depletion of resources...
  • As some natural resources continue to become scarcer and more costly as a result, the result will be wider adoption of green tech options.
  • The primary green tech goal is saving the environment and preserving natural resources.
  • Green tech products and services aim at offering healthier alternative by eliminating health hazards and the negative effects. (meat products, pullution in the transportation system etc)
  • We do not have the luxury of doing nothing.


  • The global economy is facing significant challenges.
  • High inflation has broadened out across countires and products and is proving persistent.
  • The war has provoked a massive energy price shock not sseen since the 1970s.
  • The increase in energy prices is taking a heavy toll on the world economy.
  • Has inflation actually peaked?
  • The good news is that inflation has probably peaked for now.
  • The likelihood is that gas prices will trend lower.
  • We shoudln't see higher infaltion in the first half of 2023.
  • If you live in the UK, you probably know the struggle of buying fresh eggs!
  • Hiking interest rates and lowering government spending means slowing down the economy.
  • What about the US? Well, thing aren't looking rosy there either.
  • The forecasts and expectations are important because investment managers, banks, insurance companies, basically moust of the financial world out there in the private and public sectors need them in order to form their strategies for resourse allocations.
  • As a result, the markets worldwide reflect those expectations.
  • To summarise the outlooks, the chances of 2023 a positive year for the US,UK and Eurozone economy are silm to non. 
  • We will almost definitely see a recession by the end of the year. 

'문장 반복 읽기 자료' 카테고리의 다른 글

gumi  (0) 2023.02.27
English structures from book (2)  (0) 2023.02.23
헷갈리는 단어 위주 예문  (0) 2023.02.18
freelancers working at a low rate & AI designer  (0) 2023.02.17
All about my eyes!  (0) 2023.02.15

enact / re-enact

  • enact : 법률로 제정하다, 실제로 해보다(안에서 행동하게하다)
    • The government is to enact a law aimed at improving safety on construction sites.
  • reenact : 과거에 일어났던 것을 공연 등으로 재연하다
    • The show reenacts medical emergencies.
    • It depicts how people reenact behaviors they see in the media.

moral / morale

  • moral 도덕적인 (양심의 문제)
    • It's moral to help poor people.
  • morale 사기, 의욕
    • The morale is high on our team.

rationale / personnel

  • rationale : 이유나 의도 (주로 논리적인 이유)
    • I don't understand the rationale for these restrictions.
  • personnel : 조직, 프로젝트의 일부인 사람들 지칭 / 인사과
    • We train new personnel when they arrive at the base.

ambiguous - vague

  • vague : 세부적인 디테일이 없어서 막연한
    • The vague shape of a figure loomed through the mist.
  • obscure : 이해하기 어려운, 잘 알려지지 않은
    • The lecture was very obscure.
  • ambivalent: 양면적인 생각이 드는
    • He feels ambivalent about his new home.
  • ambiguous : 하나 이상의 의미가 있어서 중의적인
    • The word "bear" is ambiguous in English.


genuine / ingenuous / disingenuous 

  • genuine : true
    • Is this painting a genuine Picasso?
  • ingenuous : naive (clear and simple as child), trusting, honest
    • She is too ingenuous in beliving what others say.
    • She gave an ingenuous answer.
  • disingenuous : pretending and insincere
    • It was disingenous of me to say that.

기타 한 줄 요약

depict 이 describe 와 다른 점은

전자는 painting, art form 등으로 묘사, 후자는 언어로 묘사
ex) He wanted to depict a sad woman in his painting.

possible 과 plausible 의 다른점

plausible 은 그럴듯한, a plausible excuse, sounds plausible 으로 realistic 과 비슷한 면이 있다.


'문장 반복 읽기 자료' 카테고리의 다른 글

English structures from book (2)  (0) 2023.02.23
greentech and economy  (0) 2023.02.21
freelancers working at a low rate & AI designer  (0) 2023.02.17
All about my eyes!  (0) 2023.02.15
English structures from books (1)  (0) 2023.02.07
  • A lot of people will recommend to work at a low rate when just starting out.
  • A fair and reasonable rate for the type of work you are doing and your skill level.
  • You could bring it up to the client and let them know you misestimated and the project is a little bigger than expected.
  • You must need a good LinkedIn profile with good reviews.
  • You don't want to price yourself out of the market but you still need to be paid fairly for the time and effort.
  • You need to make a living. What is the minumum amount of money you need to make from freelancing to survive?
  • Don't fall into the trap of thinking you can only make the same amount of money as someone wo works full time jobs come with health insurance.
  • Being able to use Photoshop and Illustrator is a far cry from knowing how to design.
  • The barrier of entry for graphic design is quite low.
  • Anyone with a computer can download free software, find some free graphics, put together and call themsleves a s a designer. 
  • At the end of the day, graphic design is a profession that isn't as well paid as many other fields.


  • AI will become a design partner and tool that designers can use to meet ever-evolving workplace demands.
  • We detect and decode people's emotions based on body languages, tone of voice, context and social cues, all of which are based in cultural and learned norms. 
  • Understanding emotional subtleties is one of the biggest challenges for AI.
  • ChatGPT launched and quickly exploded in popularity with over a milion new users in it's first week.
  • ChatGPT can do much more than respond to common help queries; it can write stories in Shakespearean style, translate English to other languages, even write code.
  • What else is AI capable of?
  • It raises concerns on copyright.
  • Humans are better at considering the overall context and purpose of a design and can make complex adjustments and tweaks to ensure that a design is appealing.

'문장 반복 읽기 자료' 카테고리의 다른 글

greentech and economy  (0) 2023.02.21
헷갈리는 단어 위주 예문  (0) 2023.02.18
All about my eyes!  (0) 2023.02.15
English structures from books (1)  (0) 2023.02.07
반복학습용 영어문장과 실수교정  (0) 2023.01.22
  • Regardless if you have laser surgery or not, exposure to UV rays are known to cause problems with vision. So everyone should wear eye protection.
  • I've been wearing UV-protected glasses when I go outside during the day.
  • There are clear glasses that block out UV rays, so there may be something to expolre.
  • As long as it's not shining directly in your eyes, you'll be good to go.
  • I'm booked in for LASEK next week.
  • I've tried things like heated eye packs, night oimtment and intensive eyedrops.
  • I was prescribed an allergy eyedrop and taping eyes at night, but these didn't do much.
  • Dry eye is a very common side effect of laser surgery. 
  • My eye specialist gave me a nearly identical sheet to this, so this is pretty standard advice.
  • Surgery for me was painless and only felt mild discomfort for several days.
  • It was barely within normal range.
  • I used strong eye drops until I got my protective contact lenses removed.
  • I've been following my eye drop regimen closely
  • Slight night time blurriness
  • When using phone and computer, I blink less which allows my eyes to dry out.
  • My eyes get a little blurry if they're dry
  • I sleep with my eyes cracked open at night.
  • They moved the machine over my head.
  • They told me to focus on the green light and I just held still like my life depended on it, and they rinsed my eye.
  • I can see starbusrst and glare at night after surgery
  • I saw how poweful design was in bringing products to life.
  • Great design is the expected norm.
  • Now designers are at the center of the product development cycle in a way that previously was thought to be unnecessary.
  • A meeting with clients and stakeholders at which we present and talk about our design decisions.
  • This book is meant to bridge that gap and help you convince them your decisions are the best choice.
  • You may be a black belt, but every time you enter the ring you can lose if you're not practiced, ready and aware.
  • She has contributed more to this than she'd take credit for.
  • It's critical to the success of a project.
  • The most articulate person usually wins.
  • They want to tell you how they think it should work.
  • an entire season's worth of projects.
  • I'm amazed at the number of designers who apply for a job yet lack basic communication skills.
  • How will we know if we've done our job? By looking at the results before and after and tracking some specific metric.
  • We're not always in tune with our own thought process to help others understand why we did what we did.
  • This is where commen sense comes to play.
  • If a stakeholder won't support us, we aren't going to het anywhere at all.
  • We begin here, with a high-level view of our stakeholder relationships so that we can approach them in the most effective way.
  • If we can help them be successful, that will help us be successful as a byproduct.
  • It just didn't make sense nor did it line up with what we had agreed on previously.
  • Your priority for communication with them has shifted from a position of defense to one of solidarity.
  • Don't get so personal that you overstep normal social hehavior.


  • The list view is sorted alphabetically by country by default. The standard sort menu is available in the top right. I made each item in the list exactly the right height for a mobile tough target.
  • On far left of each item is that country's flag. We thought that would make them more easily identifical to people.
  • A short description of the project directly underneath, is smaller gray type.
  • You just wear it with everything (매칭하기 좋은 옷)
  • It's just that the roll was so good everything's so underrated.
  • He plays the most important role in the team
  • For a star of his stature, he played a surprisingly small role in the film.
  • The matter cannot rest there. I intend to sue.
  • I, for one, am gonna be much better abbout keeping in touch.
  • I might as well beat her to the punch 내가 먼저 선수치는 게 낫다.

  • I'm deeply sorry to hear about the passing of your loved one. My deepest sympathy goes out to you. May happy memories of him bring you comfort at this sad time. Lots of love to you.

어떻게 말할까? -실수교정

  • I have nothing to get up for (자칫하면 우울증 환자처럼 들릴 수 있으니 조심)
  • back up plan
  • New year's day / new year's eve
  • The visa will expire in May
  • weigh up the pros and cons
  • I bounce back quickly.
  • during a long layover, stopover
  • It rained for one month.


  • I'm very lucky to have met almost all my career milestones at the intended timelines that I planned for.
  • All things considered, I think I can call myself pretty successful compared to my peers of similar experience.
  • People reach out to me often to ask me how I got to where I currently am.
  • What people want to find out is how they can apply the success themes in my story to guide themselves to their own success.
  • I always lean towards forming my own opinion rather than following the herd of blindly accepring what is told to me.
  • I;m someone who confronts emotions in order to make logical conclusions about topics that I care about.
  • I like to develop a perspective about people and things.
  • Initial high figures staying at the same place for years.
  • Becuase of the salary they have, very often, they grow complacent and their salaries eventually stagnate below market.
  • I'm not saying money isn't important bacause I do understand the need to pay the bills.
  • They do question tour salary expectations and benchmark it with your skills and experience.
  • The increasing amount of overpaid tech professionals today is probably why lay-offs are so commonplace currently.
  • Having more money may not always be a good thing.
  • You will spend at least 35.7% of your conscious time at work.
  • So it's not far-fetched to want to work somewhere with a culture that fits your lifestyle and goals.
  • Screw following that conventional opinion of what others think your success should look like.

'문장 반복 읽기 자료' 카테고리의 다른 글

All about my eyes!  (0) 2023.02.15
English structures from books (1)  (0) 2023.02.07
라이브아카데미 you know how + etc  (0) 2022.12.27
medium and live academy  (0) 2022.12.20
영어실수교정2 + wheelchair  (0) 2022.12.20
  • Once you've tried that, you can't go back.
  • Once you've used a laundry machine with AI, you just can't go back.
  • The only thing bad about this game is that you can't unplay it.
  • Ever since this game, I've never been able to play another game and have that same level of appreciation.

  • why 대신 what gave you that idea?
  • Can I offer you something to drink?
    -> Just some water, thanks. 
    -> Well if you're going to have some, I wouldn't mind.

  • I think I want to get rid of this coffee table. It just gets in the way, doesn't it?
  • This pocket here keeps getting in the way.
  • 물리적으로 방해가 되는 일, 목표를 방해하는 일 (걸리적 거리다, 진로방해, 막다 등)

you know how : 왜, 그, ---- 잖아. (보통 새로운 정보가 따라옴)

  • you know how you often keep your bluetooth off to save your bettery. I heard that makes almost no difference.
  • you know how we sometimes spend weeks looking for a good deal on a product we're looking to buy. 
    they say that when you take into account the fact that time is money, we often end up spending more.
  • Hey, you know how we buy vegetables and fruit and always end up throwing away most of it. Well, I was thinking how about we grow our own vege and fruit?


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