- dread 매우 무서워하다
- exert 가하다 - authority power influence etc
- commensurate with 비례하는
- in token of - an evidence of = 증표로
- hold still - 멈추고 가만히 있으라는 뜻 (can't you hold still for a sec?)
- burst into - 갑자기) - 하다 , 하기 시작하다
- bring about 유발하다, 발생하게 하다 (특히 변화)
- day in and day out 허구한날, 날이면 날마다
- put one in one's place 겸손하게 하다
The development of the Internet really brough about massive changes in almost every aspect. Along the way, commensurate advances in industry followed, This is why the digital product burst into blooming. The CEO of my company is pretty old, It's rare that a person from that generation take the lead with such power in this field. He never show any afraid being surrounded by young entrepreneurs, if anything, he put any cocky young men in their places. In the company, he never exert any disrespectful pressure. In token of his ability, his business is taking off, the press flocks to see him day in and day out. I hear them shouting to him to hold still for a picture every morning near the office. I'm dreading the idea of getting exposed to media like that, I really admire him.
dread 는 미래, 무슨 일이 생길 것에 대해 매우 무서워 하다라는 뜻이 있어서 I'm dreading having to meet his parents, He's dreading the exam, we're dreading the idea of - 등 으로 쓰이는데 I dread to think what would happen if he was left to cope on his own. 같이 생각하기도 무섭다 생각하기도 싫다 처럼 dread to think 으로 쓰인다.
a salary that is commensurate with skills and experience.
The agency's workload has increased without any commensurate increase in staff.
Burst into - collocation: tears, laughter, song