


Is Anger an Underrated Emotion?

What have you been taught about anger? Do you think we view this feeling too negatively?




주목할 만한 문장

  • what do you do when you feel anger rising up inside of you?
  • Are you quick to react? 
  • Do you try to push it down?
  • Have you ever thought of anger as good or helpful?

새로 배운 단어

  • tantrum - a sudden period of uncontrolled anger like a young child's
    (ex) He had a tantrum in the shop because i wouldn't buy him any sweets.
    (ex) a big tantrum throwers.
  • flummoxed - so confused that you don't know what to do
    (ex) Doctors were flummoxed by the boy's symptoms.
    (ex) I was flummoxed by her direct question.
  • at large - generally / if a dangerous person, thing or animal is at large, they have not been captured of made safe.
    (ex) The man who tried to have her killed is still at large.



Opinion | The Best Extracurricular May Be an After-School Job

Personally, I learned more working outside school than I did in the classroom.




- The writer believes that extracurricular activities - especially working experience - are essential for teenagers. She lists up waht she could learn from doing part time jobs as a student, and says working experiences would give students precious lessons, hence teenagers should get a job even if they don't need to work to support their families. A sense of independence, responsibility, and time management skills are things that collage students lack of, so after school jobs can be a good opportunity for that, the writer added.

새로 배운 단어

  • extracurrirular : an extracurrirualr activity or subject is not part of the usual school or collage course.
  • lament : to express sadness or feeling sorry about something. (The poem opens by lamenting the death of a young man)
  • supposedly - 이 사실일 거라고 가정하지만 100% 신뢰하지 않는다는 것을 보여주기 위한 말 (지딴에는 -라더라 이렇게 말 할 때도 쓰인다고 함)


기억할 만한 문장

  • Conditions couldn't be more optimal.
  • ...older teenagers holding down a job of one kind or another.
  • Consider that having an afternoon job cultivates skills like time management and instills a sense of independence and personal responsibility
  • Being fired isn't the end of your career, and neither is quitting.
  • You're being paid for your time.
  • ...my arithmetic also got a regular workout.




오늘도 뉴욕타임즈 러너 아티클로 공부하는 영어시간

오늘의 기사 https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/15/learning/how-competitive-are-you.html


How Competitive Are You?

What are the merits of trying to be the best?



This page quotes parts of Jessia Grose's essay. She shows her concerns about her kids saying "Everything is a competition." She wants her kids to achieve what they want, but worries if they would go too far with the idea of competition and defeating others. 

주목할만한 문장

- Do you enjoy competing against others for things like grades?
- Comparison is the thief of joy.
- ...makes me want to take a step back.
- A way to push back on that is to reframe losses as having value, because they can teach us where to direct our emergy toward improvement.
- I suspect that will be a forever project.


- worthwile: useful, important to be a suitanle reward for the money or time spent or the effort made.
 ex) Does competition make things feel more exciting and worthwhile do you?

- ensure: to make something certain to happen
 ex) The airline is taking steps to ensure safety on its aircraft.

- jostle: to knock or push roughly against someone in order to move past them, get for space
 ex) racing down a path, jostling each other out of the way

- admonition: a piece of advice that is also a warning ro someone about their behaviour.
 ex) the principal's admonition against bullying

- stymie [스타이미]: to prevent something from happening or someone from achieving a purpose
 ex) These goals were frequently stymied by the same strong historical consciousness ../ ...will stymie good intentions.

- rack up: to gradually get more points, profits, etc
 ex) He has racked up 450 points in three months.




Film Club: ‘I Have Face Blindness. This Is How I Recognize You.’

How do people cope and thrive with their disabilities? How can we better understand and respond to the needs of those with disabilities?




Paul Kram has a prosopagnosia, which inhibits smooth social interactions for him. He loves gliding, and people first assume it is an escape from parties and people. However, gliding for him is about people that helps him connect with others.

주목할만한 문장

- ...to confront discomfort with disability.


- Profile (verb) - to write or publish a short description of someone's life, work, character, etc.
- Thrive - to grow, develop, or be successful -> prosper;flourish
(His business thrived in the years before the war. Industries such as water, telecoms, and insurance have been thriving. She seems to thrive on stress)
- Prosopagnosia - face blindness, a neurological disorder that inhibits the recognition of faces.


저 뉴욕타임스 러닝네트워크 사이트의 좋은 점은 코멘트를 달 수 있는 기능이 있다. 이곳에서 학생들이 단 댓글들을 확인할 수 있었는데 어휘수준이 상당해서 사전을 끼고 읽어야했다. 안타까운 현상태지만 계속 공부하다 보면 한번에 이해할 수 있는 날이 오겠지.



Annoying Noises

What sounds do you hate?


위 기사 코멘트에서 발견한 단어들

- obnoxious - very unpleasant or rude
 When she's in a bad mood she's obnoxious to everyone.

- cringe - to sudden move away from someone or something because you are frightened.
 He cringes every time he hears the dentist's drill.

- abrasive - rude and unfriendly
 She has a rather abrasive manner. He can sometimes be abrasive in meetings.

- aggravate - [아그래베이트] to make a bad situation worse
 Attempts to restrict parking in the city center have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.

- grimace - [그리머스] to make an expression of pain, strong dislike, etc. in which the face twists in an ugly way.
 She made a grimace of disgust when she way the raw meat.

- commotion - a sudden, short period of noise, confusion, or excited movement
 He looked up to see what all the commotion was about. There was great commotion at the location of the incident.)




How Punctual Are You?

Are you always on time, or are you known for arriving late? How has the pandemic changed your relationship with time?



The article says the punctuality has become one of the paramount elements in our lives; as we go throguh pandemic, online gatherings which don't require traveling times now have settled down as a norm. There are pretinent changes as well. When it comes to restaurants, people book for meals more than before and dinner time got a little moved up because people don't need to commute and get changed stopping by home.


주목할 만 한 문장

1. Are you always on time, or are you known for arriving late? How has the pandemic changed your relationship with time?

2. How do you feel about people who are more or less punctual than you are?

3. ...a change that seems to have arisen from a pandemic now in its third year.


새로 배운 단어

1. hold up - to delay someone or something
(...no longer held up by commytes or workplace gossip sessions.)

2. weave A into B - to include A in B(story, plan etc)
(...people are able to weave school pick-ups and other child care duties into their workdays)

3. paramount - more important than anything else
(Punctuality is paramount as we are going through a re-evaluation of our relationship to time.)

4. virtue - a good moral quality in a person, or the general quality of being morally good.
(the virtues of punctuality)

5. Amid - among; in the middle of or surrounded by
(amid the applause)

6. surge - a sudden and great increase
(We see a real surge in online reservation activity,)


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