

  • horrid (구식이라 쓰지 않는 것을 추천) 지독한, 끔찍한, 고약한
  • horrendous 끔찍한, 역겨운 - unpleasant, shocking 도 됨
  • paramedic 응급 구조사
  • pat down 옷/ 몸수색 (특히 공항 등)
  • prune 자르다 (불필요한 것을 - 더 나은 결과를 위한다는 암시)
  • act up - behave badly
  • see into 들여다보다
  • add up 합계를 계산하다, 납득이 가다 -그럴듯하다
  • say one's piece 의견을 내다, 할 말을 하다 (방해나 끊김없이 한 피스로)
  • to the tune of 대략 (거금)얼마의 (주로 큰 돈)

"Should we prune the security process to lower the hurdle? That way we can get larger customer base, but less safer."
"Let me say my piece. This hotel is not just accommodation. That must be very risky, regarding the horrendous leakage accident last year. "
"That was because one of the scanning devices was acting up. We won't have problems like that again and guards are supposed to pat down once again. That shouldn't matter."
"But one customer reported the security didnt see into what the paramedic brought in his bag, the entire security need extra training." 
"That was emergency, it doesn't make sense we stop paramedics for a while for searching their medical goods."
"At least find a way to ensure the safety. Yes, not caring emergent situation for security doesn't add up."
"Yeah, we're gonna have to pay to the tune of million if we get sued."

horrific, horrendous > horrible

paramedic 응급 구조대원 - 병원이전 환경에서 생명 유지를 위한 서비스 제공. 의사는아님

prune 은 식물 등을 가지치기 해서 더 잘 자라게 하는 것을 의미한다. 에세이나 불필요한 것도 정리할때 이 단어 사용
Prune the text/ prune the essay/prune the budget/ prune the branches

act up
아이가 act up 하다 -> 말을 안 듣는다
사물이 act up 하다 -> 제대로 작동 안 한다
신체가 act up 하다 -> 병, 염증, 상처로 아프다

playful way
"See you later, alligator" "After a while, crocodile"


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