

  • blow over 사그러들다
  • through a lens of -의 시각으로
  • trip (중심을 잃고) 넘어지다
  • derision 조롱, 조소
  • daunt 좌절하게 하다, 주눅들다
  • avid 열성적인
  • obsolete 한물간, 구식의, 더이상 쓸모가 없는
  • turnaround 호전
  • clout 영향력, 때리다 치다, 
  • if anything 오히려

When I was hired for a part time instructor at the school, through a lens of professional, everyone in the class sucked. I tried hard to suppress the rising derision inside of me, and supported daunted students. And then a short while after I quit the job. It wasn't challenging at all and my passion blew over. Fast forward to this January, I got back to the teaching job, and students here are very avid, and none of them look daunted, if anything, my knowledge was obsolete. I was confused and while I was walking down to the office, I tripped over a pile of books. I gave it a clout and the books spread out everywhere. I need some time for a turnaround. 


blow over 은 gradually 의 의미를 내포하고있음

turnaround 는 여러뜻이 있다. round trip 을 하는 vehicle 이 다시 돌 준비를 하는 시간을 turnaround, 일이 다 되거나 프로덕트가 공급되기까지의 시간을 turnaround, 주문한 물건이 배달되기까지의 시간을 turnaround 라고 한다.

clout 은 손으로 때리다, 물건으로 치다 이런 의미가 있어서 영향력이라는 의미까지 확장된다.
If the photocopier stops working, just give it a clout.


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