pull up
- 들어올리다, 차 (혹은 다른 탈것) 를 잠시 멈추다,
- (pull someone up) : 잘못했다고 말하다, 제지하다
- 컴퓨터스크린에있는 정보를 띄우다
- pull up a chair : 의자를 당기다
- improve 의 의미도 있음
ex) A car pulled up outside my car, The boar pulled up at the dock. he pulled up next to me.
He pulled up in his car (자기 차에 앉은 채로 차를 세웠다). He pulled up to the gate. (게이트에 차를 세웠다)
ex) She's always pulling me up on my bad spelling.
ex) He pulled up a chair behind her and put his chin on her shoulder.
pull down
- 파괴하다 부수다
- 끌어내리다, 낮은 곳으로 물건을 가져오다, 가격을 내리다 (체온, 등급, 상태 등등 -> 괴롭게하다 로 확장될수도있음)
- 돈을 벌다 (얼마인지 언급이 되는 경우)
ex) They pulled down the warehouse to build a new supermarket.
ex) The virus she had really pulled her down; she still hasn't fully recovered. Lower colthing prices will pull down the cost of the family shopping basket.
ex) They must be pulling down over $100,000 a year.
pull out
- (탈것) 출발하다
- 빠지다 (활동이나 조약에서 빠져나오다) - pull out of ~
- 꺼내다
ex) She pulled out into the street. Pull out of the parking lot and turn left.
ex) We can cut project costs by pulling out all non-essential staff.
ex) The dentist pulled out my tooth. Somebody pulled some pages out of the book.
ex) They've pulled al their athletes out of the competition.
pull over
- (탈것) 갓길에 차를 세우다
ex) The car pulled over and a man got out.
pull back
- 뒷걸음치다, 상황에서 빠지다
- (군대) 철수하다
- 가격, 비율 등이이 떨어지다
- 지는 상황에서 득점? (스포츠)
ex) He leaned forward to kiss her but she pulled back. He pulled back from her nother and wiped the tears from her eyes.
차좀 앞으로 빼주세요. Could you pull forward?
차좀 뒤로 뺴주세요 Could you pull back?
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