

  • weasel out of 동의한 것(책임) 을 회피하다, 빠져나오다
  • discretion [레] 자유재량, 신중함
  • cook up 지어내다 (상상, 변명, 계획, 이야기) 등을 솔직하지 못하게, 
  • come on strong = to act in a forceful, determined, confident way
  • double standard 내로남불
  • go to pieces 산산조각이 나다 (주로 멘탈이)
  • life-altering 인생을 바꿀만큼 강력한? life changing 과 다르지만 그 차이는 원어민도 설명 어렵다함
  • at all events = regardless, whatever happens, 
  • the low-down 중요한 정보(on 과 함께 쓰임),  비열한
  • ineptitude 명) 능력없음, 무능
  • rift 명) 벌어진 틈 찢어진 틈- 사이가 틀어짐

"Do you know what the trick is? Come on strong and ghost a little." I was really surprised when I heard this! They were on TV and if they openly say things like that it's gonna be impossible to weasel out of what they said. Anyway it was a reality dating show, and good looking people gather there. Money, education and ineptitude don't matter in this world. Only personality and appearance matter. During the show (6weeks) the contestants will be given discretion every weekend to choose their partners, and often times it causes a rift. They habitually cook up excuses and show their double standards, sometimes have others go to pieces, but audience will watch everything and judge who is doing right and wrong, so showing their deceitful habit that would work in real life don't work. At all events,it's a surefire thing that they're gonna have the fame and it is for sure a life-changing experience for all the participants. At least life-altering. The show will be shooting way before the airing, they can't give or leak the low-down on any little details before it releases. 

a deep rift in the rock -> 사람관계에서는 serious quarrel, disagreement : caused a rift, heal the rift

- He gave me the lowdown about the company's vice president. You'd better give me the lowdown on all the candidates. 중요한 정보를 inside 에서 내주는 거 처럼 내부 정보를 제공하는거에서 파생해 비열한, 불공정한, 솔직하지 못한 까지 의미가 확장이 됨

come on strong
들이대다, 세게나오다, 강한 인상을 주다, 위협적으로 말하다

cook up 
은 많은 인원의 배를 채우기 위해 빠르게 해주는 것 (주로 데우거나 간단한) 을 의미하기도 함
배고프면 뭐 좀 해줄게, 

weasel out 은 좁은 곳을 빠져나오는 그림이다


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