
  • natural-born 타고난
  • take one for an idiot -를 바보라 생각하다
  • keep one's head  (주로 어려운 상황에서) 침착하게 있다
  • groundwork 기초작업-공사할 때 건물 짓기 전 바닥작업
  • the best of both worlds 둘다 가짐 ,양쪽의 이익을 모두 누리는 그림
  • gear towards -에 맞게 맞추다
  • in hindsight 되돌아보면
  • put someone onto something -를 -에 소개해주다,(좋은 것)
  • utterly = completely or extremely
  • take cover 엄폐물을 이용해 피해를 입지않기위해 신속히 몸을 피하다
  • get down to the wire 마지막 순간까지 가다(문제 등)
  • languish 오랜기간동안 갇혀있어 쇠약해지다



Once upon a time, there was a natural-born entrepreneur named Jack who had always dreamed of opening his own restaurant. He had done the groundwork, conducted market research, and secured funding for his venture. However, when it came to hiring a head chef, Jack was unsure of what to do. He interviewed several candidates, but none of them seemed to be a good fit for the job.

In hindsight, Jack realized that he should have taken his friend's advice and put him onto the perfect chef for his restaurant. But at the time, he was too proud to admit that he needed help and didn't want to take one for an idiot. Instead, Jack continued to gear towards finding the right chef on his own.

As the opening day of the restaurant approached, Jack was getting down to the wire. He was utterly stressed and worried that he wouldn't be able to find a chef in time. But just when he was about to take cover and give up, he received a call from his friend with news of the perfect candidate.

Thanks to his friend's help, Jack was able to get the best of both worlds - a talented chef and the satisfaction of knowing that he had accomplished his dream through hard work and perseverance. And as the restaurant flourished, Jack realized that sometimes, it's important to keep one's head and accept help from others, even if it means admitting that you don't know everything.

No longer did Jack languish in uncertainty or doubt. Instead, he continued to gear towards success, building upon the foundation he had created with the help of his friend and the perfect chef. And he knew that with this team, there was nothing they couldn't accomplish together.

Samantha was a natural-born athlete who excelled in both soccer and basketball. She loved both sports equally and didn't want to have to choose between them. So, she decided to get the best of both worlds by playing both sports in high school.

At first, Samantha struggled to keep her head above water, as the demanding practice and game schedules left her exhausted. But over time, she learned to gear towards balancing her time and energy between the two sports.

In hindsight, Samantha realized that it was the groundwork she had laid during her youth that had allowed her to thrive in both sports. And although she sometimes felt utterly overwhelmed, she knew that taking cover and giving up was not an option.

As the season got down to the wire, Samantha and her teams were faced with tough competition. But she refused to languish in defeat, always pushing herself to improve to the point that people take her for an idiot. And in the end, Samantha proved that you don't have to choose between your passions - you can have the best of both worlds if you're willing to work hard and persevere.

"a natural-born storyteller" "natural-born American-태어날때부터 시티즌으로 태어난사람" "a natural-born musician"

Hindsight is 20/20 : 지나고나면 더 잘 보이는 법이니까
with the benefit(advantage) of hindsight : 지나고 나면 뭐가 맞는지 드러나서 알게되는 위치에 있으니까 덧붙이는말
- History is never made with the benefit of hindsight. 
-With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more.

"Can you put me onto a good dentist?"
"He put me onto a wonderful vegetarian cookery book"

If the bombing starts, take cover in the basement. take cover behind ~

Negotiations went down to the wire.

Traditional industries continue to languish.
Once thriving business began to languish in the face of increasing competition 


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