문장 반복 읽기 자료

July first half

발문어 2023. 7. 20. 08:15
  • It's easy to agree with what's in front of me rather than what I don't even know about.
  • Giving then the same name as us is weird
  • in the west (not western)
  • I don't allow things to be overdue
  • We have to do a considerable amount of paperwork.
  • I regret to inform you that your premiums are going to go up considerably.
  • You need to vent out your pent up experimental ideas.
  • Any moment in life is an opportunity to learn. Just takes a certain perspective.
  • I credit my dad for that.
  • You work hard and deserve a treat.
  • I'd love to live through you eating ice cream.
  • Why does he get to choose? It's my turn!
  • The meeting has been moved up to 10'o clock.
  • That's never happened before.
  • Easy for you to say (너는 쉽게 말할 수 있지)

So much for

  • So much for getting off work on time.
  • So much for going home early today.
  • So much for sushi.
  • So much for that.
  • I couldn't help but overhear.
  • Come on, let's not eavesdrop.
  • I was unloading the dishwasher and the door rang.
  • Think it through, okay? 나중에 후회하지않게 잘 생각해보기
  • I just learn to ignore them (화면이 너무 복잡해서)
  • I shifted focus to the creator exchange.
  • I keep getting slammed with loud audio while I'm browsing the feed.
  • I need to stay after class.
  • I cut 10 mins off the amount of time Google says it takes to bike.