어휘공부 기록장

[영어단어] 배운 단어로 짧은 영작 (85) - weed out, carve out, chuck

발문어 2023. 7. 9. 23:22

  • sullen - 뚱한
  • retreat from the front - 물러나다 (의견을 바꾸다 등)
  • snob - 속물? 
  • pensive - quiet and thinking seriously. He looked pensive. 골똘히 생각에 잠긴
  • pick up stompies 중간에 들어와서 잘못이해하고 껴드는 행동
  • stranded 고립되다 (돈이 없거나 교통이 없어서)
  • have one's fortune told 
  • flunk out of school 성적 등이 안좋아서 쫒겨나다 (수동태로 쓰지 않는다)
  • hard sell 하드셀 aggressive selling
  • chuck 툭 던지다, 그만두다 관두다
  • weed out 골라내서 제거하다 (약한 거 등 골라내다)
  • carve out - create, make 
    • carve out a niche
    • carve out time/space
    • carve out a career
  • touchy about 예민한
  • autobiography 자서전
  • rundown 디테일한 정보들, 축소 (사이즈나 퀄리티)
    • rundown house : 방치된 집

We were talking about politics at a cafe and when we started to mention the energy issues, this man came to our seat and began this hard sell. He invented a new solar power panel that everyone can use, so the thing he found the most proud was that it can help people stranded somewhere with this portable panel. Man, I can't carve out time for hearing the rundown of your invention, you're picking up stompies. However, Emma found this practical for camping so she bought one. The man is going to another man in other table who looks pretty pensive. Emma told me I looked sullen and I didn't have to look like this. I got upset and chucked the car key to her and left. Why am I so touchy about people pointing out my attitude? At home, I went to my room and stood in front of my shelf. What do I want to read? I weeded out boring books and eventually I picked an autobiography. This person flunk out of school young and after having had someone his fortune told, he decided to travel. I felt like I am a snob tonight. I could've retreated when emma said I need to chill. 

a sullen silence, he said sullenly. 

I'm a bit of a wine snob.

He left me stranded in town. If the tide comes in, we'll be stranded

The very first round of interviews only serves to weed out the very weakest of applicants.

I wanted to retreat to my routines and comfort. Visitors can find plenty of restaurants when it's time to retreat from the sun, To save yourself, you sometimes need to retreat from the world.

Chuck that book to me. Chuck it over there the corner. Chuck me the keys.

I need to carve out some time in my schedule for exercise.

the rundown of the health service
