[영어단어] 배운 단어로 짧은 영작 (72) - unhinge, embark on, bedridden
- pop the question 청혼하다
- potluck - the luck of the pot 에서 유래, 갑자기 들이닥친 사람들에게...
지금은 집에서 음식을 가져와서 같이 먹는 문화 - play the field 여기저기 걸치다 (settle down 하지않고 여러명 만나는 거)
- weak as a kitten/ as weak as a cat
- bedridden 침대신세인
- hard feelings "we're still friends, no hard feelings?"
- be on one's back 등에붙어서 계속 잔소리하다
- make a face 얼굴로 emotion 표현 (주로 dislike)
- embark on 착수하다 (embark 는 승선하다는 뜻)
- profound 깊이있는great, intense
- humility 겸손함
- resilience 회복탄력성 (안좋은 일을 겪고 다시 회복할 수 있는 능력)
- unhinge - hinge(경첩) 가 없는 상태, 불안정한, 정신이 살짝 맛이 간
Patric really took a shine to Sara. He said he liked her humility. They met her work's potluck last year and at the time he was such a player. He was known as playing the field, and people who know him made a face while he was hitting on her. They started dating and a few months ago Sara got really sick and she was bedridden for a while. She looked as weak as a kitten and couldn't be on his back like she used to do. Even she looked a little unhinged after some surgery. Patric realised how profoundly he cares about her and at that point onward, he made up his mind to be her life long partner. He embarked on a big plan for the best propose while she was in the hospital, and the day she discharged from the hospital, popped the question saying he would be her resilience. They were engaged and a few days ago I heard their enegagement has fallen through. Sara said they have no hard feelings, so I guess it wasn't that he cheated on her.
"The heart attack left me bedridden and weak as a kitten for nearly a month."
"Having undergone two heart operations, now she is weak as a ketten."
My sister was making faces at me when my mom wasn't looking.
"He'll be embarking on a 9-day business trip." / embarking on a road trip~