[영어단어] 배운 단어로 짧은 영작 (50) - in hysterics, have no bearing on, out of commission
- get a grip on oneself - 정신바짝차리다 (침착하게 내 감정과 행동을 통제하다)
- as it were 말하자면, (조금 덜 단정적으로 보이게 완화하는 말)
- beat (one) to the draw/punch -보다 재빨리 움직이다
- laid-back 여유로운
- take one's mind off something -을 마음에서 떨쳐내다
- vanity 자만심, 허영심
- in hysterics 빵터진상태의
- have no bearing (up)on 관련이 없는
- have some bearing on 관련이 있는
- out of commission 기계나 차량 등이 작동하지 않는다, 아파서 몸을 쓸 수 없는 -(back) in commission 동작하다
- hold down 잡아 내리기때문에 고정되거나 내려가는 그림
- grow into - 로 발전되다 (사람이) - 꼭 옷이 아니라도 특정 타입의 사람으로 자라다 등
- downfall 몰락
-- was one's downfall 의 형태로 쓰임
People don't know how to take their mind off problems. Some of us don't even realize that we're in need of rest until they're out of commission. As it were, it's like we can't feel hot water with our finger at first and the pain comes a second later. That state will hold you down eventually, and it will grow into more serious damage. We could do with a laid-back mind. I've experienced this by this time two years ago. Everything felt competition and I tried to beat everyone else to the draw for everything, even in like in subway, I had to be the one who get in and get off first. I was so obsessed with the ideo of being the first, best one. I don't know it was purely reasons of vanity. That obsession was my downfall. Now I know I don't have to hold down an awful job just because they pay me well, and with this, I could back in commission. Happiness has bearing on healthy mind. I find myself in hysterics often times now. I hope everyone to get a grip on themselves and see the right thing.
Please hold down the noise down 소리좀 줄여주세요
Once that team gets going, you can't hold them down 저 팀이 잘 하기 시작하면 막을 수 없다
Don't hold down everyone else just because you're tired 너가 피곤하다고 해서 다른 사람 발목 잡지마
An agreement that holds wage increase down. 임금 인상 억제 동의
He can't seem to hold down a job for more than a few months. 그가 한가지 일을 몇개월 이상 유지하고 있을 거 같지 않아보인다.
(hold down a job) - 특히 특정 기간동안 지속할때, 타의/자의
We headed straight for the buffet, but others beat us to the punch and got most of the lobster salad.
He wants the job purely for reasons of vanity and ambition.
They grew into adults who enjoy and appreciate classical music.
Your actions could prevent a silly disagreement growing into something more serious (시간이 지나서 무엇이 무엇으로 자라다 라고 쓸 수 있음)
he had us all in hysterics.
His private life has no bearing on his competence as a manager.
Personal feelings had no bearing on our decision.