어휘공부 기록장

[영어단어] 배운 단어로 짧은 영작 (33) - pull one's own weight, die out, back down on

발문어 2022. 11. 26. 18:10

  • back down - 주장,요구,의견 등을 포기하고 거두다.. (다른 사람들이 반대하거나 내가 틀렸다고 인정해서)
  • safe and sound 무사히 - 위험에서 돌아왔을 떄 
  • the upper crust 상류층
  • die out - becoming less common, finally stop existing
  • fix someone up with 누구에게 필요한걸 제공해주다
  • pull one’s (own) weight 그룹의 다른 사람들 만큼 하다 (1인분 하다)
  • catch one off balance (주로 과거형) 허를 찌르다
  • under the thumb of => under someone's control (keep, get - under..)
  • dispose of 없애다, 제거하다
  • call one names 모욕적인 이름으로 부르다/괴롭히거나 모욕감을 주려고
  • enlist 도움을 요청하다 (설득하면서, 끌어들이면서 attract) enlis - 군입대

Alice's mom is from the upper crust. She said that's why it's really difficult to deal with her. The concept of the upper crust social culture has died out in many areas, especially in our town, people barely know about those things. When she got stuck in closed elavator for an hour, a worker of the building saved her and reported that she was safe and sound to her family and police. But he had to be called his names by her even though he was the one who fixed her up with water and relief goods. Alice's dad is such a perfectionist. He never allow others catch him off balance. He enlisted in the navy when he was younger, and very controling. The problem is, they never back down on their opinions at home. Both of them want to keep each other under the thumbs of themselves. Alice grew up in this toxic environment where she can't dispose of the toxicity. She always had to pull more than her own weight.

back down + on / example
- Neither side is willing to back down.
- We will not back down on the decision to strike.

die out - 공룡, 부족, 관습 등 점차 줄어들다 사라지는 것에 주로 쓰임. 바람이나 불 등에도 쓸 수 있음
Once the fire has died out, the salvage team will move in.

fix up with - can he fix us up with somewhere to stay?
I was fixed up with a job/ The doctor said he could fix me up with a few pills. I will fix you up with some bandages.
