어휘공부 기록장

[영어단어] 배운 단어로 짧은 영작 (16) - out and out, unalterable, allege 등

발문어 2022. 10. 21. 21:02

  • break out 발생하다 (전쟁, 질병, 화재 등) / 벗어나다, 탈출하다/ 땀, 발진이 나다
  • diameter 지름 [다이아미터]
  • unalterable 바꿀 수 없는
  • out and out 순전히(= sheer 와 비슷하지만 부정적인 것을 강조하기 위해 쓰임)
  • by virtue of - 라는 이유로, -의 결과로 (=because of)
  • allege 강하게 주장하다 (증거 등 없이) [레 에 강세]

My grandma said she wants to break out of the tediousness. The first thing she did was moving. Her new house's arch door has a narrow diameter. Satisfied with the beautiful house, she alleged that she would be find with that and entered into the contract. By virtue of that small door, she wasn't able to carry all the furniture into the house. The door was something unalterable in the house. She now recalls this as an out-and-out disaster she's ever had.


